Charge Time (when the car charges)/How much energy tinto car

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New member
Feb 5, 2015
Hi Folks - just got a B Class with Range Extender. I'm in the SF Bay Area. I have just had an electrician talk me out of a JuiceBox Pro and into a ClipperCreek HSC 40.

It seem that I cannot program the HSC to charge during off-peak hours, a function which was available on the Juicebox. Also, the HSC doesn't seem to have a function that lets me monitor how much energy I am putting onto the vehicle. I am on a "common" meter in a condo and want to be able to:

1) reimburse the condo for the charging
2) Charge the vehcile from about 11pm - 6am.

Thoughts, input, advice?

Much appreciated!
We will have a timer on our JAMP JR in about 4-8 weeks.

Full 40 amp capability with Model 40-50.
Full 32 amp capability with Model 32-40.

Our JESLA will also have a timer capability:
TonyWilliams said:
Our JESLA will also have a timer capability:
What? I can get a timer with my (new) Jesla?
I think I might have answered my own question. The mySmart Vehicle Homepage (smart car appf ro Mercedes) just let me set departure time with the caveat that "this may save you money on charging" or something of that ilk. So, our off-peak ends at like 7:00am so I set the car to depart at 6:40am.

We'll see!

The Info window says "Timed charging: The timed charging mode activates and intelligent charging algorithm that saves costs, but may prolong the charging time. The Vehicle is optimally charged for the set departure time. You can also activate the pre-entry climate."

Sounds promising!
That setting is for departure time preconditioning. It does not affect charging times. Personally I went to Home Depot, and put a timer inline with my EVSE. Works good. Tried getting up at midnight for the first week of ownership. That sucked.
Ferdball said:
TonyWilliams said:
Our JESLA will also have a timer capability:
What? I can get a timer with my (new) Jesla?

In about 8 weeks... yes.